The Man fanlisting goodies site xxx

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 Skin featuring Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.  Skin featuring Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy.


Welcome to Seriously Smiling, the fanlisting and shrine for the character Fitzwilliam Darcy from the fabulous classic by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice! This site is the only fanlisting approved by The Fanlistings Network for this wonderful character. For more information about this fanlisting, please feel free to visit the Site section.

Eternal gratitude and adoration goes to Anna for letting me adopt the fanlisting!

This site is designed for a resolution equal to or greater than 800x600, and Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and MSIE 5.5+. It is cross-browser compatible.

 1,000 members - awarded on 25 March 2006

Shrine Updates

(Please note that this does not reflect fanlisting activity.)

Monday, August 21, 2006

It's been a while since I have added anything shrine-y to the fanlisting, and for that I apologize. There have just been so many things to do! Angela needs to cut down on her online responsibilities some more :p (But SS is definitely not getting cut ;) hee)

However, I have been making a few livejournal icons from the 2005 movie -- mostly snarky and attempting-to-be-funny ones, haha. I've finally uploaded the Darcy ones to the LJ toys section, and the rest (non-Darcy) ones can, of course, be found at my icon journal in the appropriate tag for P&P.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I've finally gone and revamped the caps section -- it's now ordered according to adaptation, as well as paginated, at 50 thumbnails per page. And yes -- finally -- full-movie caps of the 2005 adaptation is up! These aren't "just-Darcy" caps, but of the whole movie. (Of course, I kept hitting the Capture button when it was Darcy on the screen...) There are 2,831 caps from the movie!

I shall be recapping the 1995 miniseries when I have the time, maybe, and put up full-episode caps later on. :)

I also reorganized the links section -- the notable addition to this batch, however, are the links to adaptation recaps!

And lastly... our fanlisting reached its 1,000-member mark as well! Thank you so much for supporting Darcy and Seriously Smiling. <3

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Aking Mahal (and all fanlistings under the network) has gone through a server move, but unfortunately in the process I have lost the most recent database backup -- hence, everyone who has joined starting first week of August has been lost. I apologize profusely for this, please feel free to rejoin!

(I'm still fixing things, so things might be a little crazy for a while -- missing images, PHP errors, and the like.)

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I'm very pleased to announce a revamped section: Tribute to Mr. Darcy! Previously, this section held Darcy tributes written by Anna (the previous owner) and myself. I've had a few people ask if I was accepting new tributes to be put up at that page -- and truth to tell, I've been wanting to do that as well. :)

So now the page has been revamped, and visitors can now submit tributes for Darcy. Please make sure you read the rules and guidelines before you submit a tribute. ;)

In addition to that, I've also done a little revamping of the layouts and the way the site is implemented; though the change is minimal from a visitor's point of view, I'll admit. :)

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Uploaded five new LiveJournal icons of Matthew Macfadyen as Darcy in the LJ Toys section, and removed the non-Darcy icons. :)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

As I mentioned in my earlier post-- there are a number of new content now up!

Have fun, and I hope you like the new content. ;)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I'm preparing new content for Seriously Smiling, included among them a fan-created music video submitted by one of our visitors based on the yummy Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, and possibly screencaps from the trailer of Working Title Films' Pride and Prejudice adaptation. I might have to reorganize the gallery before I do that, though, so it might take a small while.

In any case, I put up new links at the links section, where you can find out more about the new movie: official website of the new movie, Working Title Films' page on it, and TheZReview.Co.Uk's page on it as well.

Matthew Macfadyen looks promising as Mr. Darcy, based on the trailers. Or maybe it's just because it's Mr. Darcy, period. Hee!

Seriously Smiling copyright © by Angela Sabas.
Part of Aking Mahal and TFL.Org
Listed at: AcidGloss Glitter Vibe
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 Ka-tet: the Dark Tower Series, The fanlisting